S3 Design

About project

Period: May – Sep 2022

Client: S3 Design Inc

Subject: Architects for athletics, recreation and fitness design

S3 Design specializes in designing sports and recreation facilities, health and fitness clubs, spas, and wellness centers.

Our Task Was

We are creating a website for the new brand with step-by-step guides and recommendations for our clients.

The client required some customization when it came to researching and collecting data.


Naveck can assist S3 Design Inc in designing and developing a website from the process steps to publication.

  • Planning: This step involves defining the website’s goals, target audience, and design.
  • Design: Creating the visual elements of a website includes designing the layout, color scheme, and typography.
  • Development: Developing a website involves the process of coding and making it fully functional.
  • Testing: Testing the website to ensure proper functionality and error-free operation is essential.
  • Launch: The process of publishing a website involves making it available to the public. Any spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors have been corrected.


Naveck can help S3 Design to establish the brand in the Market.

  • The website is attractive and user-friendly.
  • Informative and engaging.
  • Optimize your content for search engines to improve its visibility.
  • Secure and reliable.
  • Easy to update and maintain.


S3 Design can receive assistance from Naveck in creating a website specifically for the Architects industry.

We are happy for client satisfaction to develop websites, deliver on our promises and be transparent and communicative.